

作者: 发布于:2015-04-14 10:35:15 来源:新电梯

  东芝电梯与建筑系统公司的总裁兼首席执行官(音译)松原和典(Kazunori Matsubara)访问了设立在迪拜的东芝电梯中东总部。在访问过程中,松原先生于公司的35位工程师交流,告诉他们自己的事业也是从工程师开始,并且现在的内心,依旧是一名工程师。他说工程创新仍在一直吸引着他,尤其是推动社会前进的新技术。




  陪同松原先生此次访问东芝电梯中东有限公司的,还有东芝电梯与建筑系统公司的国际运营副总裁岩坂克彦(音译,Katsuhiko Iwasaka)。东芝电梯中东公司来自沙特阿拉伯,多哈,独联体,土耳其和阿曼的部分商业伙伴,也特地前往。

  Toshiba Elevator President/CEO Visits Middle East Branch

  April 1, 2015

  Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corp. President/CEO Kazunori Matsubara visited the Toshiba Elevator Middle East headquarters in Dubai. During his visit, Matsubara interacted with approximately 35 engineers, telling them that he began his career as an engineer and remains an engineer at heart. He said that engineering innovation continues to fascinate him, especially when it leads to new technology that can improve society.

  He advised all engineers they should focus on the details and pursue knowledge in all engineering fields, regardless of their area of specialty. He added that “hard work, dedication, determination and honesty” are the keys to career success.

  Stories about his life from when he was both a student and professional motivated the engineers. He emphasized the importance of worksite safety and quality.

  Matsubara has 34 years of industry experience, assuming his current position in April 2014. He has held various positions in Engineering Design and R&D. He was instrumental in several quality-related initiatives. Upper-level positions he has held include general manager of operations in Fuchu, Japan. A career highlight was leading the Taipei 101 project, a milestone for Toshiba as it was, at the time, home of the fastest elevators in the world.

  Matsubara was honored by your reporter, managing director/CEO of Toshiba Elevator Middle East LLC, who was accompanied by Katsuhiko Iwasaka, vice president, International Operations, Toshiba Elevator Building Systems Corp. Business partners of Toshiba Elevator Middle East from Saudi Arabia, Doha, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Turkey and Oman came to Dubai for the occasion.

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